Duke Gardens: February 27, 2016 (and some food)
February 28, 2016
I love running errands in Durham because when you're done, if you have energy, there are so many fun things to do. Yesterday, after our two errands, dear husband and I went to Duke Gardens.
Another cherry tree and The Bridge
Really short daffodils in the grass
Pansies (It's encouraging to see lush pansies like these. Mine are still struggling after the winter.)
Then we went to lunch at Pompieri Pizza - my favorite pizza (oh... favorite in Durham and Chapel Hill. Then there's Lily's Pizza in Raleigh, and my all-time favorite, Pizzeria Regina in Boston's North End)
We brought cupcakes home for dinner from the CupCake Bar (and a brownie for Younger son who doesn't care for cake).