He who sings, prays twice: Cancer and faith
Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - November 2017

Just Getting Started - Tony Bennett/"Cheek to Cheek" - Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga

JustGettingStarted"It is hard for us to appreciate the courage of our families when they came over to America (and every American family, save for Native Americans, has 'come over' at some point).  To be from a small town where everyone knows everyone, then leave everything you know and cross an ocean, and then to arrive and try to make new lives in a place where you don't even speak the language, with people from all over the world brushing up against one another - that's truly courage.  That's why my heart is with immigrants we see all over the world today" - Just Getting Started - Tony Bennett

I started reading this book on vacation, three weeks ago, and I'm still reading it.  I've read numerous chapters out loud to my family, but I only read a chapter a day.  I'm trying to stretch out reading it since it's so good!

Each chapter is about a person in his life and what he learned from them - from his parents, to earlier 20th century performers such as Fred Astaire, artists such as Picasso, musicians such as Count Basie, and more recent performers such as Lady Gaga, with whom he recorded a whole album, Cheek to Cheek, in 2014.  He occasionally mentions negative traits, but doesn't dwell on them.  This is the opposite of a "kiss and tell" memoir - it's a celebration of talented people in his life.  

Here are Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga performing Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek" at the 57th Grammy Awards where they won the award for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album.





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