But I don't want to learn patience!
February 16, 2011
Today was just an average day in terms of what I got done. We did some homeschooling, but not as much as usual because younger son got tired (His energy level is still low, and his appetite hasn't come back all the way - and he usually bounces back quickly!). I cleaned and organized. I got all the laundry done and put away - in one day! I took a long, fast, walk. I went to choir (Hurrah!). And I took a two hour nap.
Really, that's progress. Today was the first day since I got sick that I got through on only one nap. A week ago, I wouldn't have gotten half the things done that I did today. Today is the first day in three weeks that I really even noticed the things I needed to organize. The library looks more peaceful now and so does the kitchen.
What I hate about the flu (for me), almost more than the really sick part itself, is how long it takes to feel normal again. One week of being sick and three weeks of not having my normal energy (or at least that's what happened last time).
I've been exhausted since we got back from choir. I still pushed myself to do another hour of stuff, but once I stopped, I really stopped.
Time to go take a shower and read until I fall asleep...
...which won't be long...
...once I finally make myself turn the computer off and get up...
I'm at the point in mothering a baby where my brain has turned back on, but I have so little time to read! I'm reading three books right now, one bedtime reading, two for naptimes. I am so looking forward to getting to take naps again.
Posted by: Summer | February 17, 2011 at 10:09 AM
When the older two were really little, it was difficult to get them to nap at the same time (you too?). Then I had the choice: Read or nap? I wanted to read, but I think the naps won out most of the time.
Posted by: MLight | February 17, 2011 at 08:08 PM