A link post (which includes Liza Minnelli)
June 06, 2010
I thought I'd get lots of blogging done this weekend. You see, after all the busy-ness of the last few months (good busy, but some of the busiest I've ever been, just the same), I decided to take this weekend and schedule nothing.
Nothing at all.
I decided that, besides laundry, dishes, and the every day stuff, I'd just do whatever I felt like. What a bizarre concept. I was sure that I'd get lots of blogging done, but I never really felt like blogging. What did I feel like?
I'd start reading a book, or downloading photos, and I'd get sleepy and go take another nap. Along with sleeping well at night, I slept two to three hours during the day. I haven't even finished any of the books I'm reading (Small Pools, Unseen Academicals, and Tales from Outer Suburbia).
I almost didn't write this part of the post because it seems so... shameful to get so little done over a whole weekend. However, catching up with the last two weeks' worth of Glee put me in a good mood this evening so I decided to confess anyway.
Here are a few interesting things I ran across the last few weeks:
- The Masterworks Broadway blog has a post about the thirty-fifth anniversary of the opening of Chicago. To go with the post, here's Liza Minnelli singing All That Jazz:
- Notes of an Anesthesioboist has a beautifully thoughtful, though sad, post, A Spouse's Silent Sorrows:
- A country landscape - A photo I'd like to hike in (among many of such) at Appalachian Treks.
- Mermaid at Daily Animation: Beautiful, though sad.
- I love Wild Beasts and Dangerous Lunatics' review of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, a Michael Caine/Steve Martin comedy which is one of my favorite movies. However, there are spoilers so don't read if you don't want parts of the story given away.