Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - April 15, 2010 (very long)
April 15, 2010
I've been sick so I slept for half of today. At around 4 pm, I remembered that it is Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day so I went outside to take photos. For more garden photos, visit Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day at May Dreams Gardens.
The first of the wild geraniums
Columbines (Aquilegia canadensis)
Another kind of columbine
Mazus reptans - escaped from the flower bed
Heuchera - coral bells: They're one of my favorite flowers, but it's so difficult to get a photo where they don't just disappear into the background.
Forget me nots come up wherever they want. This one came up in the stone wall - in front of the pansies.
My favorite azalea
The fraise des bois (alpine strawberry) flowers aren't fancy, and the strawberries are small (less than 1/2 inch long), but they're wonderfully sweet, and they spoil me for any other strawberries. Fortunately, they bear fruit until frost (if we can get them before the squirrels do).
Another columbine
Leopard's bane. They also bloom until frost.
Pussy toes (Antennaria)
This azalea wasn't doing well when I bought it so it was very cheap. I like to take plants that are so pathetic that they are almost being given away and make them happy again. This bush still has a very strange habit, but the few flowers it gets are pretty.
Lily of the valley is one of my favorite scents.
Buckeye flowers
The dogwood trees in our yard are still healthy, but they've had very few flowers. They're one of my favorite spring flowers so I'm disappointed.
Most of the daffodils and narcissus are done blooming. This is one of the last left.
Pretty! Did you notice that the top daffodil has a tiny face in its throat? It's an Alice In Wonderland flower.
Posted by: Karen-In-Law | April 16, 2010 at 12:41 PM
"Little bread and butterflies/kiss the tulips!"
I hadn't noticed that. :)
Posted by: M Light | April 16, 2010 at 01:08 PM