Side hugs
November 24, 2009
This video has been floating around various blogs this week. I have to admit that I didn't listen to the whole thing because they don't enunciate very well, and the totally irrelevant sirens and gunshots also get in the way of the words. However, once I started searching for the lyrics, I did read various blogs about it. Stuff Christians Like explains:
With my family, I'm very huggy. With friends, I'm huggy if they're huggy, but I won't be pushy if they're not. With people I don't really know, it would be an expression of... what? The hope that I'll like them? That's why I'm uncomfortable with "Just hug the person next to you!" at a church. If I know the person next to me, and I know they like me, that's fine. If I don't really know them, or think they may not like me,** it's just awkward - or worse.
Of course, this video is for teens, not for 48 yo women. However, I could have written the previous paragraph exactly the same way 30 years ago.
* As someone who nursed for almost 5 years (3 kids), I applaud this - for everyone in the world except dear husband.
** You don't think everybody at any particular church likes each other, right? If you do, I've got this bridge in Brooklyn...
[How to categorize this? Faith? Doesn't involve mine. Feminism? Not really, though a number of feminist blogs have picked this up. Personal? Not a personal pet peeve, just something that struck me today. I'll just leave it as General.]