Things I wish I hadn't learned
Bohemian Rhapsody... Not sung by Queen

Side hugs

This video has been floating around various blogs this week.  I have to admit that I didn't listen to the whole thing because they don't enunciate very well, and the totally irrelevant sirens and gunshots also get in the way of the words.  However, once I started searching for the lyrics, I did read various blogs about it.  Stuff Christians Like explains: 

In the side hug there’s no risk of two crotches touching. Instead of face to face, you go side to side, putting your arm around the person and your hip against their's.
After reading a number of blogs, I can't help but wonder who came up with this.  Obviously people who don't consider breasts to be sexual* since that doesn't seem to be a concern.  In frontal hugs (their term, not mine), chests touch far before crotches.  How far before, of course, depends on cup size.

With my family, I'm very huggy.  With friends, I'm huggy if they're huggy, but I won't be pushy if they're not.  With people I don't really know, it would be an expression of... what?  The hope that I'll like them?  That's why I'm uncomfortable with "Just hug the person next to you!" at a church.  If I know the person next to me, and I know they like me, that's fine.  If I don't really know them, or think they may not like me,** it's just awkward - or worse. 

Of course, this video is for teens, not for 48 yo women.  However, I could have written the previous paragraph exactly the same way 30 years ago. 

*  As someone who nursed for almost 5 years (3 kids), I applaud this - for everyone in the world except dear husband. 

** You don't think everybody at any particular church likes each other, right?  If you do, I've got this bridge in Brooklyn...

[How to categorize this?  Faith?  Doesn't involve mine.  Feminism?  Not really, though a number of feminist blogs have picked this up.  Personal?  Not a personal pet peeve, just something that struck me today.  I'll just leave it as General.]


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