"How I Miss the Stone of My Flint"
January 12, 2009
Update: Ayeleth kindly translated for me - see the translation in the comments.
Today, I kept getting people coming to my kitty-sleeping-on-the-computer-monitor post from YNET. I went to check it out and, although I found the section which linked to my blog, I couldn't read a thing:
I had to translate this - why would an Israeli news website be linking to my little, throwaway, kitty-on-the-monitor post. I looked around online for a translator, and quickly found two which translate between Hebrew and English. There is a limit to online translators, however. This is the more lucid of the two translations - it still doesn't totally make sense, but you can get the basic gist of it. This is the last part of the article, and the last paragraph is about my blog ("mominlit"):
When the old televisions will be darkened
And if all of this is not enough, began what 17 in February is next millions of Americans sat opposite television that exhibitor of snow, if is not an universe even causes to their help. At this time nets of the television pass to broadcast in the digital format only, and inhabitants of areas as prime and distant, old and people of little towns of their that the hand is not a lapse of to acquire a new television set, were stuck in middle of. Their analog televisions were old, but they made the work.
United States will invest 1.35 billion dollar and provide to them coupons of discount to the exchange of the old televisions, but all of them agree that this few to the extreme. Big retailers that seller of products of electronics, like radioshack and bestbuy, said to Wall Street is a journal that they are objectors to the sounds that go and the prevalences that require to delay the execution of the program. Interesting why truly.
Possibly that you already bomb the article in response like " Shioao, how I miss the stone of my flint, I used to/would light a fire in the great " and sign " the early man ". We adapted to the continuous consumption. Say us that new this necessarily better, and the advertisements in the television say to buy, to buy and to buy – elaborate more, expensive more, better. And we obey, without to wonder if this is good us or to the pockets of several seventieth shareholders.
We will show you numbers on Plzmot Lmominlit, American blogger, if to the two Onotsria believe. When screen of her old computer that bey of life, she wrote that she is unwilling to buy screen lcd very thin, that her cat, Tmlin, loves to sit/shabbat on the top of the screen and to heat in the winter. "This is very nice and sociable, when you have a cat of sea bream over screen of the computer in the time of the use in him ", she wrote. Bainia hot preferable cat on improved resolution, but she will be forced to buy her screen of localizer of second hand.
I still haven't figured out what "objectors to the sounds that go" really is supposed to translate as. It wasn't any more understandable in the other translator. I'm also curious about "cat of sea bream." I like the part saying "her cat, Tmlin, loves to sit/shabbat on the top of the screen and to heat in the winter."
[BTW, this article reminded older son of one of my previous posts My Luddite Tendencies.]
I wanted to welcome viewers from that site to my blog so I considered adding a welcome on the bottom. I couldn't be sure that I was saying the right thing, though, so I didn't. Besides, when I translated "Welcome to those from YNET" from English into Hebrew, and then translated the result back into English, I got "Welcome are those are from hook shaped net." Fortunately, Tal, a commentor, helped me out.
Which leads me to a request. If someone could translate this for me - at least the paragraph about my blog - I'd love to know what this actually says! As much of the article as I could copy and paste is below the fold (the whole article, here):
קחו, לדוגמה, את מסכי ה-CRT
הגדולים והישנים, הכוללים שפופרות. אולי במשרד שלכם עדיין יש כאלו. יש
למסכים האלו לא מעט חסרונות: הם תופסים יותר מקום, הם מעייפים את העיניים
והם צורכים יותר חשמל, ואין ספק ש-LCD טובים ונוחים יותר. מה שיצרניות המסכים לא מבינות - או לא רוצות להבין - היא שיש לא מעט
אנשים שבשבילם CRT זה מספיק, והסיבה היחידה שהם חוזרים הביתה מהחנות עם
מסך LCD בתצוגה רחבה שעלה 1,400 ₪ במקום עם CRT שהיה אמור לעלות 700 ש"ח,
היא שזה מה שיש בחנות. במקביל, יותר חברות מסרבות לתקן מוצר שהתקלקל ומכריזות שעדיף
לקנות חדש. אלמלא מכבש לחץ ציבורי שהופעל עליה לפני כמה שנים, אפל לא
הייתה מאפשרת החלפת הסוללה ב-iPod וממשיכה לדרוש שתקנו דגם חדש כשהיא מתה. כשהטלוויזיות הישנות יוחשכו ארה"ב תשקיע 1.35 מיליארד דולר
ותספק להם קופוני הנחה להחלפת הטלוויזיות הישנות, אבל כולם מסכימים שזה
מעט מדי. קמעונאיות גדולות שמוכרות מוצרי אלקטרוניקה, כמו RadioShack
ו-BestBuy, אמרו
לוול סטריט ג'ורנל שהם מתנגדות לקולות ההולכים והגוברים שדורשים לעכב את ההוצאה לפועל של התוכנית. מעניין למה באמת.
כל זה לא מספיק, החל מה-17 בפברואר הקרוב מיליוני אמריקנים ישבו מול
טלוויזיה שמציגה שלג, אם לא יקום אף גורם לעזרתם. כעת רשתות הטלוויזיה
עוברות לשדר בפורמט דיגיטלי בלבד, ותושבי אזורים כפריים ומרוחקים, קשישים
ואנשי עיירות קטנות שידם אינה משגת לרכוש מקלט טלוויזיה חדש, נתקעו באמצע.
הטלוויזיות האנלוגיות שלהם היו ישנות, אבל הן עשו את העבודה.
ייתכן שאתם כבר מפגיזים את המאמר בתגובות כמו "שיואו, איך אני
מתגעגע לאבן צור שלי, הייתי מדליק אש בסבבה" וחותמים "האדם הקדמון".
הסתגלנו לצריכה מתמדת. אומרים לנו שחדש זה בהכרח יותר טוב, והפרסומות
בטלוויזיה אומרות לקנות, לקנות ולקנות – משוכלל יותר, יקר יותר, טוב יותר.
ואנחנו מצייתים, בלי לתהות אם זה טוב לנו או לכיסים של כמה בעלי מניות
נראה אתכם מספרים על פלזמות למומינלייט, בלוגרית אמריקנית, אם
לשניים ונוצרייה מאמינה. כשמסך המחשב הישן שלה שבק חיים, היא כתבה שהיא
מסרבת לקנות צג LCD דקיק, כי החתולה שלה, טמלין,
אוהבת לשבת על החלק העליון של המסך ולהתחמם בחורף. "זה מאוד נחמד וחברותי,
כשיש לך חתול שישן מעל מסך המחשב בזמן השימוש בו", היא כתבה. בעינייה חתול
חם עדיף על רזולוציה משופרת, אבל היא תיאלץ לקנות את המסך שלה מאתר יד
That's really interesting. I'm wondering if my nephew who lives in Israel knows enough Hebrew to help with the translation. I'll ask MathMan if he can ask him on Facebook.
Posted by: Lisa | January 12, 2009 at 08:00 PM
So I get into my room and on the computer and the first place I go is my Dearest's blog and I find that she is being quoted in Hebrew, and being read by people in Israel. Mozeltov! This might be the most interesting place you've been picked up yet. And I will, from now on, think shabbat on top of the computer monitor. Our sea bream cat.
Posted by: moominpapa | January 12, 2009 at 08:26 PM
I just find it all very, very confusing.
Posted by: Emily | January 12, 2009 at 09:38 PM
We have a 19" ViewSonic CRT monitor that you can have. It was only a year and a half old when we got laptops and stopped using it. Let me know on Facebook if you're interested. Andrew was just going to recycle it since almost no one (except of course sea bream cats) uses them any more.
Congrats on being a Hebrew wonder!
Posted by: Summer | January 12, 2009 at 10:50 PM
I really enjoyed reading the Ynet article, and then I enjoyed your post. Here is my translation. I hope it's clear enough. The parentheses contain my remarks.
When the old TVs will be darkend
And if that isn't enough, coming Feb 17th, millions of Americans will be sitting in front of a TV showing snow (when you have no signal), if no one raise to help them. Soon, the TV networks are going to broadcast in digital format only, and citizen of rural and distant areas, elders and small town people who cannot afford to by a new TV, got stuck in the middle. Their analog TVs were old, but they did the work.
Then USA (goverment) will invest 1.35 billion of dollars, and will provid them with discount coupons to replace their old TVs, but all agree it is to less. Large retailers who sell electronic devices, such as RadioShack and BestBuy have told the Wall Street Journal that they objected those who say that the excution of the program should be detained (that is not exact translation). Gee, I really wonder why.
You may already writing posts to this article such as "Like Daaah, how I miss my flint, I would cooly light my campfire." and you'd sign "The pre-historic man". We're used to constant consuming. We are told that new is necessarily better, and the TV ads are saying buy buy and buy - more sophisticated, more expensive, better. And we obey, without wondering if it good for us, or for the pockets of a few satiated stock holders (I'm not sure on this one either).
Lets see you tell Moominlight, an American Blogger, a mother of two, and a faithful Christian, about Plasmas (TVs). When her old PC screen passed away, she wrote that she refused to by a slim LCD screen, because her (female) cat, Tamlin, liked to sit on top and get warm in winter, "It very nice and companionable, when you have a cat sleeping on top of the screen while using it", she wrote. She finds a warm cat better then a HD, but she'll have to buy her screen in a secondhand e-retailer.
Posted by: Ayeleth | January 13, 2009 at 01:48 AM
I love this!
Posted by: Karen-In-Law | January 13, 2009 at 08:34 AM
I'm glad to be married to a lady who finds a warm cat better than a HD. Somehow that sums up a lot about you.
Posted by: Steve | January 13, 2009 at 11:18 PM
Lisa: Thank you. As you can see, Ayeleth kindly translated for me.
Dear husband: Yes, he is now the sea bream cat.
Emily: Imagine how confused I was! (grin)
Summer: Thank you! And sea bream kitty thanks you.
Ayeleth: Thank you so much for translating! I really wanted to know what the article said - and it's fun for my blog to sort of "sum it up."
Karen-in-law: Such fun!
Dear husband: Yes, you're married to an over-indulgent kitty-mommy.
Posted by: M Light | January 14, 2009 at 11:35 AM
...that her cat, Tmlin, loves to sit/shabbat on the top of the screen and to heat in the winter...
I loved that the machine translator thought that Tamlin likes possibly to "shabbat" on top of the screen. Given the tendency of cats to take "shabbat" (sabbath rest) every day of the week including Saturday, that's an appropriate translation! 8>)
Posted by: DF | January 16, 2009 at 07:47 AM
DF: That was my favorite part of the machine translation. Very descriptive for cats (they're doing it now, in the sun, in the living room).
Posted by: M Light | January 16, 2009 at 10:01 AM