Tarheel Tavern/Christine Kane
July 10, 2006
Tarheel Tavern #72: In a Pinch is up at Freelance Writing for the Nonprofit Community.
Yesterday afternoon, when I was tired on day four of intense mother/active-seven-year-old-boy time, I took a look at the Tarheel Tavern and noticed, "Hey, this NC blogger, Christine Kane, has the same name as one of my favorite folk singers."
Now, I don't like the heat, and, as much as I love music, I can't usually sit out in the hot NC sun in July to listen. But, older son (who hates the heat even more than I do, but loves music just as much) and I went to the Festival for the Eno in July a few years ago in part because Christine Kane, the singer, was going to be there (the other part was because Dar Williams was there. I think. Or maybe it was Saffire or Pierce Pettis. I'm getting my Festivals mixed up.).
So, I went and looked at the post, "Don't be Eeyore either" - a good one about responding to an audience. I was surprised, though, that this Christine Kane is also a singer - what's the chance of two singers with the same name (remember - I was really tired)? It wasn't until I looked at her biography and saw that she sings Tucson that it finally got through to me that this is the same person. Then I remembered that she lives in Asheville.
I'm more sentient today!
You can listen to samples of her CD's at her website. The CD I'm most familiar with is A Thousand Girls, and I particularly recommend listening to Tucson, An Uneventful Evening, Isn't that What Makes You Cold?, Rise ... oh, go ahead and try them all. It's a really good CD.
And, while I'm at it, past Tarheel Taverns I haven't posted are:
Tarheel Tavern #69: Reciprocity: the joy of giving, and receiving in return at Poetic Acceptance
Tarheel Tavern #70: Qualities of Life at Another Blue Puzzle Piece.
Tar Heel Tavern #71: The Second Annual Independence Day Virtual Picnic at ...slowly she turned.
I'll be hosting in two weeks during dear husband's hosting of the monthly court poker party. I won't be getting to bed until late anyway so I'll make good use of the time! I haven't figured out a theme yet.
Oh, and I did get a break on Saturday when younger son spent part of the day with my in-laws (Thanks!). I probably wouldn't have been as tired on Sunday if younger son and I hadn't gotten into the habit of taking a long walk in the evening, followed by catching fireflies until dark, and then starting a movie - with younger son getting to bed around 11:30. But we had fun!