Thoughts on the opening ceremonies

Eighteen Years ago today...

... I had a busy day at work.  I was a statistician at an insurance company, and they had a new batch of numbers they  needed.  It was a more interesting project than the routine ones I usually did.  And, I knew that the next day also would be busy because I needed to finish those numbers up. 

I had a baby due in two weeks, but, since, as people told me, most first babies are late, I hadn't started getting ready for the hospital yet.  They'd given me a really nice surprise baby shower at work (complete with fake memos to lure me to the shower site).   But, I wasn't expecting anything for weeks.

When my water broke in the middle of the night, I went back to bed all upset:  "But, I have that project I have to finish tomorrow!"  My husband laughed at me and said that someone else would finish it.

So, I went into labor at 2 am, and my older son was born at 11 pm on the 11th.   I'm blond and fair (and was a bald baby), and he had thick, dark hair, looked like he had a tan, and had dark fuzz that went down to his eyebrows.   I remember holding him and thinking, "If I hadn't been there, I wouldn't think you were mine!" 

When I look back on 1988, it seems like a long time ago - Reagan was in office, the Soviet Union was in Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq were fighting each other,  and, non-politically, the Phantom of the Opera had just opened on Broadway.   But, when I look at him (okay, look up at him since he's nine inches taller than I am), it doesn't seem that long. 

He's sweet, bright, creative, very absent-minded, and a joy to have around.

Happy Birthday!



And Happy Mother's (and Father's) Day to both of you! Seems like a long time ago to me, but at the same time, I can't believe he's 18 (almost). Amazing.

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